Friday, January 24, 2014

My Mother is Left-Handed - Where Did I Go Wrong?

My mother is left-handed. There, I finally said it out-loud. She lives the left-handed lifestyle without any shame. How do I feel about this when God is so clearly against left-handed people? When she chose to be left-handed, I was not around yet.

A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left.

My big problem with these deviants is the fact that they now are inflicting their views onto my way of life. I cannot even go to the grocery store without seeing all their 'special' tools in the equipment isle.  When they live their lifestyle in the privacy of their own home, I don't care. But when they start parading this in front of me and my family, then I care. I care a lot. 

At family gatherings, she choices to display this choice at all times, throwing it in our faces at every chance. She eats this way, she cooks this way..... every thing is done just to make us notice her choice of being left-handed. She doesn't even have the decency to try to tone it down in front of us. But at least she doesn't talk about it much. Sometimes it would be better if she did, though. Then we could discuss this choice a little easier. But it probably will remain the elephant in the room.

I don't want my children thinking this life choice is okay. Why did she choose this lifestyle, knowing that it would be a harder way to live? Why does she think that she should have the same rights as me? She chose this for herself. If she wants the same rights, she should convert her deviant ways to the way God meant for us all to be.

I have been thinking of encouraging her to go to those special camps where they help you see the light and convert back to the godly way.

I am afraid that if the left-handed people are allowed to marry, then we will next have to let people marry cows because this is a slippery slope.

Landover Baptist Church has a decent site on why left-handed people should change their ways:

             "God knows there are plenty of good reasons for ending up in hell, so why challenge fate just because you want to feel like something special?

Approximately 10 percent of the world population today is running around and telling others that they are left-handers - this is not a particularly clever move. The Bible contains several examples that God undoubtedly prefer right-handed people. In fact there is much evidence that left-handers will burn in hell for all eternity.

Maybe some of you think that it is a coincident if you're left- or right-handed - nothing is more wrong than such an assumption.

Let us look at a few examples of the type of people who have chosen to use Satan's hand (left hand) as their primary hand, instead of the right, which according to the Bible is God’s favorite hand:"

How can I tell my mother in a loving way that I love her but hate her choice of being left handed? I support her but not her choice of lifestyle? If she were to want to get married, that I could not in good consciousness support that decision. I would have to pray long and hard to even decide if I would attend since this could be construed as supporting this choice of an aberrant way of life.

And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?

What would I do if my child decided to be left-handed? Would I be supportive or would I choose to try to change them to fit my world view of Godliness?

Should we have a ban on any marriage where a left-hander wants to marry? Definitely if both of them practice this lifestyle.

What if they want children? I don't believe that society would two left-handed people as decent parents. It would be better if the kids were in the State's care for their whole life. We all know that these people have an agenda to convert others to this way, so why give them the chance to raise kids this way?

The fact that approximately 10% of the population lives this ungodly way and has made the decision not to fit in with the rest of society, concerns me. I could understand if they didn't have the choice but obviously they had the choice and made the wrong one.

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